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Mario Kart 8

The summer months can bring drought conditions in many areas across the world, but as any hardcore gamer will tell you, the gaming industry suffers the same condition each year. It's even tougher in years like 2014, where two major consoles just launched and early adopters are clamoring for new software for their pricey investments.

While I can't do anything about the lack of new games that are set to drop this summer, I can certainly help you get through it. Over the next two months, right before summer hits, we are going to see a few high profile games released that we think will dull the summer gaming blues. Some are old favorites, while a couple are brand new IP that look to offer unique gaming experiences. Here's my list of the five games to pick up this summer, in order of release date:

Click to continue reading 5 big game releases to get you through the coming summer drought

Gallery: 5 big game releases to get you through the coming summer drought


tomb raider new lara croft

Tomb Raider has never been a game about pushing the boundaries of the character. Lara Croft herself served as the main attraction, using her alluring sexuality to coerce fan boys into controlling her around through uninspired sequel after sequel. While the gameplay was a novel innovation back in the PS One days, Lara Croft – and Tomb Raider in particular – has been spinning her tires in a rut. Not one to let character die, Crystal Dynamics finally has decided to bring Lara in for rehabilitation.

What is it that drives the story of a game? Is it the action? Or perhaps it is the environment? Certainly these things matter, but what drives them is the character. Great stories are moved along by the characters. The old Lara Croft really had nothing going for her. She’s the trophy wife – a hot chick you married too quickly only to realize just how vapid she really is. Sure you raid tombs and look hot doing it, but why do you do it, Lara? Are you truly happy?

Ironically, Toby Gard designed the character of Lara Croft as a reaction against stereotypes. But look at Lara Croft today and she is the biggest ‘F’-you to female gamers everywhere. Saddening considering the character behind the double D’s is an intriguing one: a wealthy and well educated aristocrat searching for her own way in life.

Transforming Lara into a believable character that is both accessible and strong willed is no simple task. Global Brand Director Karl Stewart and Art Director Brian Horton had to strip down the old Lara Croft in order to birth a new, more authentic person in her place.

Click to continue reading Lara Croft gets reinvented for Tomb Raider reboot

Read More | Game Informer

Gallery: Lara Croft gets reinvented for Tomb Raider reboot

deus ex human revolution extended trailer

A new extended trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution has surfaced - and it. is. good. While no actual gameplay is seen throughout the entire five minutes, you probably won't really care because what is shown is pure awesomeness. Human Revolution is set for release early 2011 for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Check out the extended trailer, which is over five minutes long, after the break.

Click to continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution extended trailer

Gallery: Deus Ex: Human Revolution extended trailer

Final Fantasy XII Xbox 360 Faceplate

Our friends over at Gamertag Radio just posted a video promoting their Community Vibes 5 event (which takes place this Saturday) with Major Nelson, and we couldn’t help but notice what appears to be a yet-to-be-announced Final Fantasy XIII faceplate on Major’s desk! We haven’t seen or heard about this anywhere, so this may, in fact, be the first time it’s been seen in public. Even more interesting, though, is the fact that Microsoft has kind of forgotten about the whole faceplate-only thing, which leads us to believe that we may see a Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 bundle. If you wanna peep the video, we’ve got it for you after the break.

Click to continue reading Unannounced Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 faceplate (custom console?) spotted!

Read More | Gamertag Radio

Gallery: Unannounced Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 faceplate (custom console?) spotted!

was a complete overload of news, games and people. But even in the mists of information overload, there were those group of selected games that stood out and kept everyone talking. Regardless if it was a trailer, teaser or an actually playable demo on the show floor, here are some of the game that were so good—they made you want to smack your mother.

APB All Points Bulletin

All Points Bulletin (APB) is real time worlds new third-person action game for the PC. Equipped with amazing customization and online play make this game stand out from any other PC game announced.

Splinter Cell: Conviction
Sam Fisher makes a comeback with less emo hair and more kick-ass action. The game is looking amazing and after the only wait, I am extremely excited to play this game.

Click to continue reading E3 2009: Top 10 best games of E3 2009

Gallery: E3 2009: Top 10 best games of E3 2009

Smackdown vs. Raw 2009

The next iteration of the WWE Smackdown vs. Raw series launches this Sunday, November 9th, titled Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 featuring ECW. Quite the mouthful, we know, especially considering how much of an afterthought ECW has become. Still, the game is popular and is on its way, and we figured we’d give you a look at the full roster of playable characters. Click on through for the list.

Click to continue reading Full list of Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 playable characters

Gallery: Full list of Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 playable characters

We were in such disbelief about the jilted online wife who murdered her ex’s avatar on Maple Story that we thought we would share a more pleasant side of online dating. A guy known as “TheRealPfhreak” hacked into his girlfriend’s Chrono Trigger ROM, filled it with memories in a new area named Koma Kulshan, then proposed. We know that some of our best friends were met in chat rooms, so we hope this will remind others to make virtual love, not war.


Read More | TheRealPfhreak

Gallery: Man Proposes on Chrono Trigger

Epic scope

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I have a deep appreciation for games in quirky, niche, genres, and also intelligent stories.  Frankly, it is rare that I get to find both of these needs met in a single game, but Lost Odyssey manages to do it.

But wait!  I thought Lost Odyssey was a Japanese-RPG and thus not really niche?  Sadly (in my opinion), the gaming landscape has changed so profoundly over the years that the once thriving JRPG is now increasingly a rarity;  One with high-production values, so much the more.  Several early reviews would have you believe that Lost Odyssey does something fundamentally wrong simply for being true to its genre.  Mercifully, you are reading this review so at the very least let me try to paint a slightly different picture of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s latest opus.

Click to continue reading Lost Odyssey Review

Gallery: Lost Odyssey Review

Vampire Rain

While neither of these games are really my bag (Sylpheed is nice and all, but it’s just not as fun as, say, StarLancer), those of you who do have them can head onto the Xbox Live Marketplace to pick up some free DLC.

Sylpheed’s content is composed of six new missions and leaderboards (was the game rushed to release?), while Vampire Rain gets a bonus mission. From the press release:

Appealing to those with dreams of becoming an ace pilot, six new “Project Sylpheed” missions will offer a fresh set of challenges for gamers. The downloadable content will also include six new super-weapons to add to existing arsenals, plus Xbox LIVE Leaderboard support allowing players to track their rank and compete against their friends. The “Project Sylpheed” demo is also available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for eager intergalactic aerial pilots who want to hone their skills.
The “Vampire Rain” downloadable content will feature two new levels, which will test player’s sneak attack skills. Gamers can play as Claire Kelly in the first bonus level to eliminate Nightwalkers using only the UV knife for sneak attacks, or play as Duane Hanson in the second bonus level in a series of timed missions requiring them to collect all required equipment for the pending quest. Additionally, gamers can go to www.vampirerain.com to download all new in-game music for an extra boost of adrenaline.

According to Major Nelson, technical problems have caused the Project Sylpheed content to be yanked from Marketplace temporarily. Keep an eye on Major Nelson’s post to find out the moment the content goes live on again.

Gallery: New (Free!) Downloadable Content For Project Sylpheed And Vampire Rain

Yes, 100 percent less Andy this episode, as he’s in L.A. for a CoD4 event. Instead, Edie and Hawkes cover the week’s gaming news and go off on wild tangents. On the plus side, this episode may be Andy-free, but it has 100 percent MORE of Hawkes’ cat.

Topics discussed:

- The unusually large amount of games released this week, including The Darkness and The Bigs.

- Toys ‘R Us is holding a 3-for-2 sale on Nintendo DS games until this Saturday. U Bai Now!

- Microsoft sues Immersion back. If you can’t take it, don’t deal it!

- New York Times reporter plays Manhunt 2 and deems it less violent than R-rated horror movies. Hypocracy much?

- The new Hitman movie trailer… and yes, we blew it. It’s Agent 47. Stoopid internets.

- Square Enix says on one hand that it’s not releasing any games for PS3 until April 2008 at the very earliest. Then it says, baby, I’m sorry. The PS3 really is the only console it could ever love. Why does watching these two feel like family-night at Ike and Tina Turner’s place.

- A group of psychologists want to label video games as an addictive substance. Someone’s been sucking on the lead popsicles again….

- Larry Flint had hoped to fire the entire staff of Tips and Tricks magazine while they were all at E3. Too bad he fired the freelancers a week early and they told the staff. Don’t you hate when being a nice guy blows a really great evil plan? And isn’t it ironic that the guy who built his empire on other people s*cking c*ocks turns out to the the biggest c*cks*ucker of them all?

- Shadowrun for Vista has been cracked to run on XP. And there was much rejoicing. (yaaay!)

- Lyndon LaRouch, notorious conspiracy theorist and gay hater, and his merry band of crazy geezers are ticked because the final report on the Virginia Tech massacre doesn’t mention video games—despite the fact there’s been no evidence the shooter ever played games. LaRouch figures it’s… wait for it… A CONSPIRACY!!
Ed. Note: Edie apologizes to for mistaking LaRouche as a guy who was notorious for anti-gay legislation. Actually, he is the freak who tried to get anti-gay legislation passed by California voters back in the 1980s that would have quarentined gays to prevent AIDS. I knew he smelled crazy…

- The 100th episode of Red vs. Blue! Gratz, guys!

Off-topic hits include Paris Hilton, porn (again), the iPhone, how to properly prepare for a night of binge drinking, Andy’s impending move, and… did we mention Hawkes’ cat?

If you want to hear it? Go get subscibe on iTunes already… ya slacker.

Gallery: GamerAndy Live! Episode 84: 100 Percent Less Andy
